Our Programmes:
It is a compulsory subject taken by all Normal Technical (NT) students from Secondary 1 to Secondary 4.
At the lower secondary levels, students will focus on basic ICT skills to support learning of other N(T) subjects and those applicable to daily lives. These skills are then further enhanced at the upper secondary levels where the syllabus focuses on higher-order thinking where emphasis is on problem solving and understanding basic programming concepts and skills. Hopefully, the knowledge that they acquire in this subject will enable them to prepare for further studies in Information Technology or media-related courses at the Institute of Technical Education (ITE), as well as at their work place and future learning.
From 2019, students will be taking the new syllabus in the subject.
The following modules are offered:
- Computer Fundamentals (Computer basics / Computers in everyday life)
- Document Processing (Use of a word processor software)
- Spreadsheets (Use of a spreadsheet software)
- Media Elements (Use of a vector-image drawing software)
- Interactive Multimedia Communications (Use of a presentation software)
- Animation and Game Making (Use of a ‘drag-and-drop’ coding software)
In addition to the above, our school also collaborates with a lot of schools in the exchange of examination papers and resources as part of professional sharing and leveraging on each other’s strengths. Students will work on questions posted by their teachers on SLS/Google Classroom as an additional practice on top of their homework.
Key Activities
Every year, our department will select the best piece of coursework from the Sec 2 and Sec 3 to take part in the annual Media Computing Competition organized by CPDD in the Animation and Game Making categories respectively.